Jeremy Monahan, Realtor

Jeremy Monahan
Voice of America


Hi! I am Jeremy Monahan a Realtor with Sibcy Cline working out of the Voice of America Office in West Chester, OH.

I graduated from Moeller High School in 2006. I went on to enlist in the Army National Guard, where I spent 13 years. 

My family and I reside in Liberty Township. Our children attend high school and grade school in Lakota LSD.

In my freetime I enjoy reading whatever book series I am currently in the middle of! I also am an avid listener of podcasts. When I'm not doing any of those, I am spending time with the family at a soccer game.

I became a Realtor to help guide families through what may be their largest financial decision. 

To begin the journey to finding your next home, please reach out to me today!

(C) 513-310-4685 - Text friendly! or email me at

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